Sabado, Enero 31, 2015

101 Things You Can Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

101 Things You Can Outsource To A Virtual Assistant In this episode, I go over 101 tasks that I’ve personally delegated to This is meant to help you see what YOU can be delegating in your life. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Lunes, Enero 26, 2015

How to raise your rates without upsetting your clients

How to raise prices without losing current clients Are you in a spot where you know you need to raise your rates, but you're terrified of losing your income? This episode goes over some...

Sabado, Enero 24, 2015

From ex con to excellence: An interview with Clint Warren

From ex con to excellence: An interview with Clint Warren

From ex-con to excellence: An interview with Clint Warren In this episode, Clint shares how we went from life as a heroin addict and prisoner to creating a thriving, successful life and business that he’s proud of. He talks about how he used his time in prison to completely revamp his life – including his daily rituals, small changes that made a huge difference, and his personal success strategies. This was a great interview with a lot of take-aways. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Miyerkules, Enero 21, 2015

From addicted to meth, 400+ pounds and depressed to choosing a new life

From addicted to meth, 400+ pounds and depressed to choosing a new life: Scott Tibbet's journey In this episode, Scott talks to us about how he became sober, lost 140 pounds (and counting),...

From addicted to meth, 400+ pounds and depressed to choosing a new life

From addicted to meth, 400+ pounds and depressed to choosing a new life: Scott Tibbet’s journey In this episode, Scott talks to us about how he became sober, lost 140 pounds (and counting), and what he does to keep his depression in check. If there’s anything in your life that you’d like to change, you’ll definitely want to hear Scott’s powerful midnset techniques. He has made lasting changes in his life without ever going to counseling or formal rehabilitation and tells us exactly how. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Sabado, Enero 17, 2015

How to feel wildly alive – with Nichole Kellerman Wurth

Podcast Overview:

In this episode, Nichole Kellerman Wurth gives away some of her best tips on how you can feel alive.Although she is normally a weight loss teacher, we covered all kinds of accessible-to-anyone tips (and actually didn’t talk about weight loss much at all).We talked about how to tune in to what you really want, how to shut down your inner “mean” voice, and how you can focus in on your desires and actually make them happen – even if they seem very farfetched right now.

Nichole’s Bio

Nichole Kellerman Wurth wants to live in a world where women actually enjoy the process of losing weight + connecting with their bodies.As a weight loss coach, she’s been featured on major websites like The Well Grounded Life, Your Great Life TV and The Greatist.When she’s not fearlessly (but lovingly) pushing her clients into a lifestyle they dream of, you can find her laughing with friends, connecting with nature and loving up on her husband and two dogs.Her business Wildly Alive Weight Loss is for women who want to stop dieting, re-frame their minds so they can reshape their bodies. Her teachings are like nothing you’ve ever heard.Discover how you can lose weight by feeling #WildlyAlive at

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: –  Nichole’s siteI’m not vegan anymore – The post that Alex Jamieson made that caused an uproar with some vegans21 Day Get Moving Challenge – Nichole’s movement challenge

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!   

How To Feel Wildly Alive

How to feel wildly alive – with Nichole Kellerman Wurth In this episode, Nichole Kellerman Wurth gives away some of her best tips on how you can feel alive. Although she is normally a weight loss teacher, we covered all kinds of accessible-to-anyone tips (and actually didn’t talk about weight loss much at all). We talked about how to tune in to what you really want, how to shut down your inner “mean” voice, and how you can focus in on your desires and actually make them happen – even if they seem very farfetched right now. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

How To Feel Wildly Alive

How to feel wildly alive – with Nichole Kellerman Wurth In this episode, Nichole Kellerman Wurth gives away some of her best tips on how you can feel alive. Although she is normally a weight...

Huwebes, Enero 15, 2015

How to radically change your life – with Derek Rydall

Podcast Overview:

Derek Rydall believes you can have anything you want. What’s more, he thinks you can have it WITHOUT using self improvement or law of attraction (both of which he doesn’t believe in).In this episode, Derek goes over his framework for creating anything you want, including the exact process of how he moved from his small apartment into his dream home in less than 90 days.

Derek’s Bio

Part of the new generation of spiritual visionaries and thought leaders, Derek Rydall is the author ofEMERGENCE: Seven Steps for Radical Life Changeby Simon & Schuster (2015) and the world’s #1 expert on the revolutionary Law of Emergence. He has trained top executives at Fortune 500 companies (from American Express to Disney) in empowered leadership and communications, coached celebrities and media professionals (including Oscar and Emmy winners) on creating conscious entertainment, regularly writes for The Huffington Post, and has touched hundreds of thousands around the planet with his message on finding your path, living your purpose and making a powerful impact! In his weeklyBest Year of Your Life! podcast on iTunes he reveals cutting-edge spiritual principles and success strategies to achieve financial freedom and abundance, master productivity and creativity, and gain true wealth and happiness.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Emergence, Seven Steps for Radical Life Change – Derek’s bookBest Year Of Your Life – Derek’s – Derek’s video training

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

How To Radically Change Your Life

How to radically change your life – with Derek Rydall Derek Rydall believes you can have anything you want. What's more, he thinks you can have it WITHOUT using self improvement or law...

19 Ways To Monetize Your Podcast

One thing that eludes a lot of people in the podcasting world is how to actually make money from their podcasts.
This is especially true for people who have a “passion” podcast, like I do, and didn’t start with any kind of monetization plan.
Thankfully, I’ve been interviewing a lot of spectacular people for my upcoming Podcast Prodigy launch and have gotten some awesome ideas on how to monetize your podcast.
Here are 19 of my favorites:
Bonus: Click here to get the PDF version of 19 Ways To Monetize Your Podcast.
1. Sell sponsorships.
This is a very popular option for many podcasters.
If you have a good amount of downloads per podcast episode (John Lee Dumas ofEntrepreneur On Fire tells me that the sweet spot for attracting sponsors is 3,000 downloads per episode), you can sell ad space to sponsors.
2. Find coaching clients.
I was recently talking to Michelle Evans of the Breaking Free podcast. She told me that even though her podcast has been around for less than a year, she gets between 4 and 15 emails every week from people who are interested in hiring her. About 70% of those people go on to become clients. Not shabby.
3. Promote a membership site.
I recently interviewed Don McAllister for my Podcast Prodigy course. He told me that he has “several thousand” members in his Screencasts Online membership and that the overwhelming majority of his traffic came from his podcast.
4. Build a mailing list.
Offer some kind of gift to entice your podcast audience into signing up.
Even if you don’t have something to sell them right now, creating a list is a very powerful monetization method for down the line. You can use it to sell affiliate products, your own products or services, or even just tell people about new episodes so you can build your numbers up for sponsorships.
If you use EasyAudello, you can even have opt-in forms show up during different points of your podcast – i.e., in minute 3, at the same time you mention a gift that people can get for signing up.
5. Sell services.
Denise Griffitts’ show, Your Partner In Success, gets between 4,000 – 6,000 listens a week. While she doesn’t directly try to monetize it, she tells me that many people reach out to her and inquire about hiring her for her web development and/or virtual assistant services.
6. Sell mastermind slots.
If people are interested in your podcast topic, it likely means they want to hear more about it. Create a mastermind of likeminded individuals who want to learn even more about your show topic and/or get individual support.
7. Create information products to sell.
Survey your audience and find out what they’d like to learn more about, then create products to serve them.
When I interviewed John Lee Dumas, he told me that he created his premium course after getting feedback from his audience that they’d be interested in learning more.
To date, he has sold well over a million dollars with that product.
8. Create relationships with potential affiliates.
Besides monetizing your podcast directly, you can also use your platform to create relationships with people who would be excellent affiliates.
Spending an hour on an interview with someone can help create a lot of rapport. If you can nurture relationships with the people you interview, you can end up with a lot of excellent affiliates.
9. Sell books.
In many ways, selling books is harder than ever. There are more and more authors entering Kindle by the day.
If you build a relationship with your book readers via podcasting, you create an excellent way to stand out from everyone else.
A few months ago, I interviewed a gal who said that her key to Kindle success (she’s currently making $80k/month+ with her books and became a NY Times Bestseller – starting from scratch, with zero list) was having consistent communication and interaction with her book readers.
Podcasting is an excellent way to cultivate a relationship and build a loyal following of people who want to buy your books.
Bonus: Click here to get the PDF version of 19 Ways To Monetize Your Podcast.

10. Sell products as an affiliate.
There are many ways you can promote products as an affiliate with your podcast.
For example, if it makes sense, Audible has a partner program where they pay you $15 per person who signs up for a free trial account.
11. Have affiliates come on and sell products.
You can interview people on your podcast and then have them offer special discounts (with your affiliate code) to your audience at the end of the interview.
12. Ask for donations.
Before Don McAllister (see #3) created his membership site, people were contacting him and asking how they could donate for his efforts. If you directly ask for donations, it’s very likely that you will get some.
13. Give some content away for free, charge for the rest.
There are a few podcasts – Don’s included – where the host gives away some content, such as the first few minutes of a tutorial (which is still helpful), then people need to pay an upgrade fee to get the rest.
14. Build your brand.
Even if you don’t directly sell something, you can raise your perceived value by aligning yourself with experts.
In this interview, John Jantsch says that he was a “complete unknown” when he started podcasting. That didn’t stop him from asking people like Seth Godin to be on his podcast though.
From the interview: “Since starting the podcast, things have changed dramatically. Jantsch estimates that his business has grown more than 500 percent and he works a lot less.”
15. Sell an iPhone app.
In this interview, Elsie Escobar of “Elsie’s Yoga Class Live and Unplugged” explained how her podcasts offers free yoga classes. She sells an app for $3.99 on that podcast.
When people buy the app, they get anytime access to 70+ yoga classes as well as PDF’s that show the sequence of each class.
16. Repurpose content and sell it.
With some finesse, you can take podcast posts and put them into a book or ebook.
As an example, Nick Loper made money from a podcast that he didn’t even host. (Crazy, right?)
He simply went through 500+ previous episodes of John Lee Dumas’ Entrepreneur on Fire and compiled a listing of the interviewee’s favorite books. (John asks every guest what their favorite book is.)
His book (Work Smarter) became a bestselling book.
17. Brag about your numbers.
If you’re getting great download numbers, you can leverage them when trying to land traditional publishing deals, get sponsorships for events, or book paid speaking gigs.
18. Host an event.
Identify the type of people who you want to attract to your events, then create content that they would respond to.
In your podcasts, mention the (online or offline) events you’ll be holding.
19. Sell physical products.
Onnit, a supplement company, is a big sponsor for some very popular podcasts. If they’re continuing to sponsor, they must be making money doing it. What’s to stop you from selling your own physical product?
Bonus: Click here to get the PDF version of 19 Ways To Monetize Your Podcast.
 I hope this list helps your mind get going with great ideas on monetizing your own podcast.
And if you’d like to learn more about podcasting, please check out Podcast Prodigy.

How to feel comfortable in your body – with Crystal Cave

Podcast Overview:

Crystal Cave is a stylist who specializes in “not so skinny style”. Whether or not you identify as “not so skinny”, most of us have some kind of body hangups, and this show helps with that.
We cover how to love your body for whatever it looks like right now, how to handle other peoples’ judgments, and style tips for both men and women. It’s a fun episode!

Crystal’s Bio

Not-so-skinny can be oh-so-stylish.After years of styling celebrities & big brands from Taylor Swift, Mercedes Benz, and the Billboard Music Awards, I’ve discovered something surprising about great style.Nobody has the same body.  Crazy, right?!It’s not about being a size 2, having skeleton arms, or wearing the latest trends.  It’s all about knowing how to dress for your body type.After years of self-study, I learned how to dress my body.  I become the in-house stylist to my college friends.  They would go shopping in my closet and become “Crystal-ified”.Then, after getting trained in Style School and as a personal stylist, I stepped out as an industry insider.  In addition to Taylor Swift, I got to glam up Kate Upton, Usher, and Willam DaFoe for a Mercedes commercial, accessorize Debi Mazar from Entourage, get a cast member of Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2 red-carpet ready, and more.Not only did I learn that great style had nothing to do with size, I also learned the insider tricks to setting up your closet for easy and effortless dressing…every day.I realized that these insider shopping & organizing tricks could be translated to any woman’s closet.  So I branched out on my own to show women how to dress their not-so-skinny-bodies — while actually having FUN in the process.Because, truly… Impeccable style has no size. Let me show you how.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Miss Plus USA – Where Crystal appliedLive More, Weigh Less – The class that Crystal took that helped her a lotKat Harris – Crystal’s photographerPleasurable Weight Loss – The gal who told me the story about the guy eating the McDonald’s and realizing he didn’t enjoy itKavita Patel – One of Crystal’s coachesThe bizarre history of women’s clothing sizes – The article Crystal mentionedThe meditation challenge with Deepak Chopra and Oprah – This includes the surrender meditation that Crystal talked about.Crystal’s InstagramNot So Skinny Style – Where you can find out about Crystal’s Instagram challenge

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

Martes, Enero 13, 2015

How To Radically Change Your Life

How to radically change your life – with Derek Rydall Derek Rydall believes you can have anything you want. What’s more, he thinks you can have it WITHOUT using self improvement or law of attraction (both of which he doesn’t believe in). In this episode, Derek goes over his framework for creating anything you want, including the exact process of how he moved from his small apartment into his dream home in less than 90 days. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Lunes, Enero 12, 2015

How to raise prices without losing current clients

How to raise prices without losing current clients Are you in a spot where you know you need to raise your rates, but you're terrified of losing your income? This episode goes over some...

How to raise prices without losing current clients

How to raise prices without losing current clients Are you in a spot where you know you need to raise your rates, but you’re terrified of losing your income? This episode goes over some ways where you can start charging what you’re worth WITHOUT losing all of your income stability. I also give a word for word script you can use while implementing this. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube:

Sabado, Enero 10, 2015

How to feel comfortable in your body

How to feel comfortable in your body – with Crystal Cave Crystal Cave is a stylist who specializes in “not so skinny style”. Whether or not you identify as “not so skinny”, most of us have some kind of body hangups, and this show helps with that. We cover how to love your body for whatever it looks like right now, how to handle other peoples’ judgments, and style tips for both men and women. It’s a fun episode! Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

How to feel comfortable in your body

How to feel comfortable in your body – with Crystal Cave Crystal Cave is a stylist who specializes in “not so skinny style”. Whether or not you identify as “not so skinny”, most...

The Power Of Unsubscribing

The Power Of Unsubscribing This episode goes over why it’s probably in your best interest to unsubscribe from email mailing lists. I go over how I learned this from experience and what you can do if you get FOMO (fear of missing out) from unsubscribing. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

The Power Of Unsubscribing

The Power Of Unsubscribing This episode goes over why it's probably in your best interest to unsubscribe from email mailing lists. I go over how I learned this from experience and what...

Biyernes, Enero 9, 2015

The Power Of Unsubscribing

When I started information marketing back in 2006 I was making $500 – $800 a day from my first day on.
It prompted me to learn more. I figured, if I could make $500+ that easily, what else was possible?
So I started researching.
I got on peoples’ lists. I learned about all kinds of business models.
AdSense. Blogging. Membership sites. Whatever was hot at the time.
And something very interesting happened…. the more I learned, the more my income went DOWN.
I kept listening to everyone else’s “better ideas” and spent so much time jumping from thing to thing that my income just plummeted.
See, it doesn’t matter how much discipline you have. When you get bombarded by emails from tons of people hyping up “the next big thing”, how can you not at least look?
So you innocently look. And then you buy. Or you research. Or you just waste a bunch of psychic energy.
Who needs that?
So a few years ago I went on an unsubscribe spree.
The only people I’m signed up to now are people I get VALUE from.
If I’m going to be on someone’s list, I need at least one of the two to be present:
  • Do their messages make me feel good?
  • Do their messages provide content that actually helps me?
Messages that make me feel good are very valuable to me. Thing is, it makes more sense to manage your energy instead of your time. Who cares about having lots of time if you don’t have the energy to maximize it?
So if people are emailing me with messages that lift me up, make me feel good, and give me energy… I think those are SUPER valuable. They’re my favorite messages to read.
As for emails that provide content that helps, that’s a bit more self explanatory. Why would I want to be on someone’s list if they’re constantly pitching me?
I appreciate getting valuable content I can apply right away. I love emails with quick bite sized tips.
And some pitching is totally fine. I welcome it. I want to know about tools that can benefit me.
But 24/7 pitching, no content that helps me… no thanks.
With these two factors in mind, my income has gone right back up.
I highly recommend you consider it.
(And no, I’m not worried about people unsubscribing from my list. I do my best to meet both of those criterion and feel proud of what I send out. :))

Huwebes, Enero 8, 2015

How to Become a Morning Person

You've probably heard it since you were little: "The early bird catches the worm.""Good for the worm," you might think. "I'm hitting snooze."Most of us would love to be morning people. We've heard about the benefits of waking up early time and time again. But it's easier said than done, and good intentions alone don't go very far. You need actionable, can-do strategies to make lasting change.Here are some battle-tested tips you can use to go from annoyed to animated every morning:

Have your first activity of the day be something you love. 
It's a lot easier to get out of bed when you have something to look forward to. Create a great playlist, save a podcast you want to listen to for your morning walk, or schedule an exercise class with a friend.

Plan out the "hard" things the night before. If you drink a morning smoothie, have everything pre-cut and ready to go in a Ziploc bag. If you want to exercise in the morning, have your workout clothes ready -- or even sleep in them. When you prepare in advance, getting up doesn't feel like as much work.

Go to bed earlier. This isn't new, but consider the time you spend watching TV or surfing the Web. If you can cut that out in service to making lifestyle changes that make you feel a lot better, your quality of life may exponentially increase. It's worth testing, right?

Set an alarm clock at night. Have an alarm clock that reminds you when it's an hour away from bedtime. Start shutting your electronics down and doing any other nighttime rituals you need to do.

Put your alarm clock across the room. 
Hitting "snooze" over and over in the morning isn't giving you any quality sleep, so you may as well just get up when your alarm goes off. Once you get out of your comfortable bed to shut it off, it's a lot more likely that you'll stay up.
Commit to waking up early for 21 days. 

Commit to waking up, even through the discomfort, an hour earlier every day for 21 days. Whenever you don't feel like doing it, remind yourself that it's only for 21 days.
Some say it takes 21 days to create a habit, while others say that's a myth. Either way, committing for only 21 days is a great way to "trick" yourself. When you see how good you feel, you'll likely want to keep doing it.

Become accountable with a friend who also wants to wake up earlier. Set a time for both of you to wake up. Text each other to show you've done it. Accountability is a very powerful motivator.

Get perspective. 
The amazing Hal Elrod said in an interview, "When the alarm clock goes off in the morning, it's life's first gift to you. But it's also life's first challenge or test. You say you want an extraordinary life, but the message we send to the universe is 'Well, no, no, no. I don't want it as bad as I want to lay here unconscious for another nine or ten minutes.' Then the alarm goes off again, and it's like, 'Yeah... I could wake up and become a better version of myself but I'm too lazy. I just want to lay, I don't have the discipline.'"
Remind yourself of this when you'd rather lay in bed -- it's powerful.

Visualize yourself waking up early the next morning. 
Feel how it feels, what you see, and how you move throughout your day. Many people swear by this method.

Remind yourself what the benefits will be. 
When your alarm goes off and you'd rather keep sleeping, remind yourself that you're about to get some "me" time, that you're going to be becoming healthier, or that you'll be enjoying some endorphins if you plan on exercising first. You can also feel proud of yourself for committing to something and sticking with it.

Create a reward. If you're motivated by pleasure, tell yourself that if you wake up earlier for "x" days in a row, you'll reward yourself with something that you love. Maybe you buy yourself a present, take a day off, or do something else that will motivate you.

Create a consequence. If you're motivated by pain, figure out what happens if you don't wake up earlier. Maybe you'll just be angry with yourself, maybe you'll feel like a failure, or keep having a life you're not proud of. You might also have to give money to a friend or do something embarrassing. You'll know what motivates you the most.

Take deep breaths before you go to bed. If you're going to bed with stress and anxiety on your mind, it'll be a lot tougher to fall asleep and/or have high quality sleep. Take several deep breaths before you go to bed to help calm down your nervous system.

If all else fails, start slowly. If you've tried other things and you just can't wake up 30-60 minutes earlier, try doing it gradually. Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than you normally get up for a few days, then 30 minutes, then 45, and then 60. It might make it easier if your sleep routine isn't that different.

Your changes never need to feel too drastic, but making small commitments can add up to some major long-term results.

How to Become a Morning Person

You've probably heard it since you were little: "The early bird catches the worm."
"Good for the worm," you might think. "I'm hitting snooze."
Most of us would love to be morning people. We've heard about the benefits of waking up early time and time again. But it's easier said than done, and good intentions alone don't go very far. You need actionable, can-do strategies to make lasting change.
Here are some battle-tested tips you can use to go from annoyed to animated every morning:
Have your first activity of the day be something you love. It's a lot easier to get out of bed when you have something to look forward to. Create a great playlist, save a podcast you want to listen to for your morning walk, or schedule an exercise class with a friend.
Plan out the "hard" things the night before. If you drink a morning smoothie, have everything pre-cut and ready to go in a Ziploc bag. If you want to exercise in the morning, have your workout clothes ready -- or even sleep in them. When you prepare in advance, getting up doesn't feel like as much work.
Go to bed earlier. This isn't new, but consider the time you spend watching TV or surfing the Web. If you can cut that out in service to making lifestyle changes that make you feel a lot better, your quality of life may exponentially increase. It's worth testing, right?
Set an alarm clock at night. Have an alarm clock that reminds you when it's an hour away from bedtime. Start shutting your electronics down and doing any other nighttime rituals you need to do.
Put your alarm clock across the room. Hitting "snooze" over and over in the morning isn't giving you any quality sleep, so you may as well just get up when your alarm goes off. Once you get out of your comfortable bed to shut it off, it's a lot more likely that you'll stay up.
Commit to waking up early for 21 days. Commit to waking up, even through the discomfort, an hour earlier every day for 21 days. Whenever you don't feel like doing it, remind yourself that it's only for 21 days.
Some say it takes 21 days to create a habit, while others say that's a myth. Either way, committing for only 21 days is a great way to "trick" yourself. When you see how good you feel, you'll likely want to keep doing it.
Become accountable with a friend who also wants to wake up earlier. Set a time for both of you to wake up. Text each other to show you've done it. Accountability is a very powerful motivator.
Get perspective. The amazing Hal Elrod said in an interview, "When the alarm clock goes off in the morning, it's life's first gift to you. But it's also life's first challenge or test. You say you want an extraordinary life, but the message we send to the universe is 'Well, no, no, no. I don't want it as bad as I want to lay here unconscious for another nine or ten minutes.' Then the alarm goes off again, and it's like, 'Yeah... I could wake up and become a better version of myself but I'm too lazy. I just want to lay, I don't have the discipline.'"
Remind yourself of this when you'd rather lay in bed -- it's powerful.
Visualize yourself waking up early the next morning. Feel how it feels, what you see, and how you move throughout your day. Many people swear by this method.
Remind yourself what the benefits will be. When your alarm goes off and you'd rather keep sleeping, remind yourself that you're about to get some "me" time, that you're going to be becoming healthier, or that you'll be enjoying some endorphins if you plan on exercising first. You can also feel proud of yourself for committing to something and sticking with it.
Create a reward. If you're motivated by pleasure, tell yourself that if you wake up earlier for "x" days in a row, you'll reward yourself with something that you love. Maybe you buy yourself a present, take a day off, or do something else that will motivate you.
Create a consequence. If you're motivated by pain, figure out what happens if you don't wake up earlier. Maybe you'll just be angry with yourself, maybe you'll feel like a failure, or keep having a life you're not proud of. You might also have to give money to a friend or do something embarrassing. You'll know what motivates you the most.
Take deep breaths before you go to bed. If you're going to bed with stress and anxiety on your mind, it'll be a lot tougher to fall asleep and/or have high quality sleep. Take several deep breaths before you go to bed to help calm down your nervous system.
If all else fails, start slowly. If you've tried other things and you just can't wake up 30-60 minutes earlier, try doing it gradually. Set your alarm clock 15 minutes earlier than you normally get up for a few days, then 30 minutes, then 45, and then 60. It might make it easier if your sleep routine isn't that different.
Your changes never need to feel too drastic, but making small commitments can add up to some major long-term results.

Martes, Enero 6, 2015

How to plan for a great 2015

How to plan for a great 2015 (blueprint included) Do you feel unclear on what you want to create in 2015? This episode will help you identify the best goals for yourself. First we review your 2014, then ask some important questions about your present, then move into exactly how to shape out your year. If you go through this eye-opening process, you will definitely learn a lot. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

How to plan for a great 2015

How to plan for a great 2015 (blueprint included) Do you feel unclear on what you want to create in 2015? This episode will help you identify the best goals for yourself. First we review your...

How to raise prices without losing current clients

I recently asked on Facebook if anyone had any blog topic requests.
One person suggested writing a blog post on how to raise prices without losing current clients. I thought that could be pretty helpful for lots of people, so here we go. :)
First of all, I know this post doesn’t apply to everyone. Not all of you have services.
But if you’re wanting to earn money online, and you haven’t yet… I strongly recommend starting by offering some services. They’re the fastest way to earn money and they’ll help you bring in revenue as you work on your longer-term income goals.
Some services you can offer:
Normally, I recommend starting your prices low. That helps you get feedback, work on your craft, and get testimonials.
For example, when I started copywriting my introductory rate was $1,000 for a letter. Now it’s at least $5k, plus royalties.
After you “pay your dues”, you can move upwards.
Here’s an overall step-by-step strategy on how to raise your rates:
Step 1:  Start with the end in mind.
First figure out the monthly amount of money you’d like to be earning and how much time you’re willing to put in for it.
For example, maybe you’re OK continuing to make $3k a month but want to put in less hours every month.
Maybe you want to earn $1k extra a month and don’t want to change the amount of time you’re working.
Figure that out FIRST.
This way you’re not lusting for some arbitrary number – you’re determining your target hourly (or project) rate.
You’ll have solid reasoning for what you want to earn and you’ll be able to feel more confident asking for it.
Step 2: Document why your services are worth more than what people are paying.
Start putting together testimonials, results, case studies, before/after pictures, whatever… so that clients (and your confidence) have a reference point as to why you should be paid more.
(We’ll go over this more in a little bit.)
Step 3: Think of perks you can add on to your existing services.
If you’re going to ask people for more money when they’ve been paying less, they’re going to feel a sense of loss. You can’t blame them for that – you would too.
Is there something you can do that will make your client feel like when you raise your rates, they’re gaining something too?
To get you thinking about this, think about related things that your clients need when they purchase from you.
Here are a few examples:
If you’re a writer, your clients will likely need their books designed. Or formatted and put onto Kindle. Or ranked higher on Kindle. Or they’ll want blog posts to promote those books.
If you’re a designer, your clients will likely need content to show off on their site. Or a Facebook page design that’s congruent with their new look.
If you’re a virtual assistant, there are probably tons of tasks your clients would love to outsource to you but don’t think they can yet. Maybe it’s making phone calls for them, or writing blog posts, or… look at this page for inspiration.
Someone who does eyelash extensions once asked me about this. My examples to her of perks she could offer would be perhaps a complimentary hair blowout, or eyeliner that works with the eyelashes, or a more flexible schedule (where people can come in without having to book so far in advance).
One thing most any client would love, for nearly any service, would to be able to have their service providers “on call” during certain hours, so they don’t have to wait around.
You could also ask your client, “What could I do to make your life easier?”
Many of these perks cost money. The idea is for you to work these perks into your pricing soyou end up still hitting your target rate while inflating the value to your client.
(This is another reason why it’s important to know your target rate.)
Step 4: Identify your client’s ROI of working with you.
This return on investment might be monetary, like someone making $20k from a sales letter you wrote them.
It might be convenience. Maybe you saved them “x” hours.
Or perhaps it’s the convenience of having worked with that person for a while, so now you know their preferences.
Maybe the ROI is they feel more beautiful when they work with you, or your techniques help their long-term well being whereas other peoples’ don’t.
When you dug up your documentation in #2 you should have gotten a lot of ideas.
Step 5: Think of taking precautionary measures.
After you do all this, your next step is to ask.
There’s major magic that comes from acting a little outside of your comfort zone.
But if you want a backup plan, here are a couple thoughts:
a) If you can take on new clients, take them on at your higher rate. This will give you a stable of clients, plus you’ll be able to to truthfully tell your clients you’re worth “X” and people are paying it.
(Note: If you do this, make sure you change everywhere you’ve posted your rates before.)
b) If you can’t take on new clients, start a waiting list. If for some reason your clients say “no” later on, you’ll have people you can go back to.
c)  If you can save up some money before you go for the big ask, all the better. That’s not necessary but it’s amazing for your peace of mind.
I think it was John Carlton who mentioned always having 6 months worth of living expenses in the bank. It’s a great rule of thumb to live by.
Step 6: Ask.
At this point, you’ve done a lot of homework. You know your target rate. You know why people should work with you and the value you bring to them. You know how you can add even more value to your services so that you’re approaching things from a win/win perspective, not just a win on your end.
By the time you’ve done all this, you should feel very confident your services are worth the price increase.
So ask. Say something like:
“I’d like to discuss our working together. I’ve loved working with you so far, and judging by your feedback, I’m pretty sure you have too:
Mention feedback here. [“You’ve told me I was the best writer you ever hired.” “You made $30k from my sales letter.” “You said I’ve done the best job anyone else ever has.” “You’ve lost 20 pounds.” “You said I got your voice.” “I saved you 10 hours.”]
Since we started together, I’ve been restructuring my business so it’s even better for you. Based on [what you/what other clients I work with] have said, I decided to add “x” services into my package. This helps you save [time/money/whatever], plus makes it easier for you overall.
I am also changing around my pricing structure. My rates are going from “x” to “x” effective “x”, and I am becoming much more selective about the types of people I work with.
I chose this rate very carefully, making sure your ROI was still high:
Mention ROI here. [You make $20k each time I write you a letter. You get “x” hours saved with every “x” you pay me . You’ve told me you feel more confident than you have in years, which is priceless.]
…and then of course, you’ll also have the added “X” benefit. [Mention what you came up with in paragraph 3.]
Like I said, I’ve thought this out carefully to make sure you have a positive return on investment from working with me. And if for some reason this doesn’t work for you, I’ll be happy to refer you to someone who might be a better fit.
And as a side note, I’ve been thinking about your business, and I also think I can help with… [mention something here].
If you have any questions, let me know. I’m looking forward to an even brighter relationship together. :)
Step 7: Be okay if they say no.
If you state an email well enough, from your client’s perspective, many people will understand.
Others might not.
Some people only care about the bottom line.
(They’re usually not as fun to work with.)
There are a couple things you can do:
a) You can ask your client flat-out, “What would make it worth it for you to pay me “x”? (At this point you have nothing to lose.)
b) If you really need the cash, you can do a close-out special and offer prepaid blocks of time to your current clients as you hustle to find new clients.
c) Be prepared to stick to your desires – even when it’s tough.
If you’ve already done the prep work and you know your services are worth charging more, then hold to that. Know your worth.
You’ve found clients once. You can find them again.
I’ve found that whenever I’ve held to my desires the universe has supplied me with everything I needed to fulfill them.
(When I wavered, not so much.)
That doesn’t mean just stay put. You’d still take action towards finding new clients: updating your website, asking for referrals, posting job ads…
But faith and self-assuredness go a long way too. :)