Biyernes, Pebrero 27, 2015

27 Ways To Repurpose Your Podcast Or Blog Post Content

A lot of people think that in order to succeed with your blog or podcast, you need to continually come up with the “latest and greatest” piece of content.
In my experience, not only is this not true – but you can actually get BETTER results by focusing on making the most of what you already have.
And with so many different ways to get exposure, it’s easier than ever to maximize your content. Here are 27 tips that work:
1. If you’re starting with a podcast, get that transcribed and turn it into a blog post or an article. If you’re starting with a blog entry, read it out loud and create a podcast from it.
2. Create slides from your content. You can use something like HaikuDeck (a free tool) and then submit your slides to sites like SlideShare or AuthorStream.
3. Convert your post into a video. You can either have one slide showing while your podcast plays, or sync different slides to your podcast audio.
When you finish your video, submit it to YouTube.
4. Make money with your videos by submitting them to Not only do they accept them, but they actually pay you for video views. They love short videos, too, and call them “skill snacks”.
5. Create infographics from your posts. Infographics are easily shared around on social media and you can get a great one starting at $5 on Fiverr.
6. Add your content into a follow-up email for when people sign up for your list. What better way to welcome someone than by giving them some of your best work?
7. Slightly modify your content and make a list-building giveaway out of it. For example, if you have some posts about podcasting, bundle them together, perhaps add something else, and presto – you’ve got a free gift for people who are interested in podcasting.
8. Turn every post you create into an opportunity for opt-ins. Make a lead box with LeadPageswhere people can sign up to get some kind of an upgrade.
For example, with this post, if you click this link,  you can sign up for a PDF and infographic version of this post. It’s simple, but SO beneficial for people. The PDF keeps this information handy and the infographic shows everything in a visual format.
9. See if you can convert what you already created into new content. For example, maybe you created some kind of list-based content like 10 things you can do to flip negative situations into positives. See if you can take each item on that list and then turn it into an entirely new podcast or blog post.
10. Compile multiple posts and turn them into a Kindle book. One of my last books got downloaded 6,364 times in 5 days. There’s a LOT of traffic to be had on Kindle.
11. Submit your link to Reddit. There are all kinds of subreddits where people would love to see the content you created.
Repurpose content with these blog post ideas. Very helpful! Tip #4 is definitely my favorite.12. Create a tall picture that advertises what your content will be about and post it onto Pinterest.
To optimize it, you can use a plugin like WP Socializer that even lets you do this:
13. Post the content onto your Facebook page, along with a picture preview.
14. Take a few “tweetables” from your content -140 character (or less) bite-sized tips – andpost them onto Twitter, along with a link to your content.
15. Post your content on Google+.
16. Share a picture of your content, along with one of the tips in it, on Instagram.
You can’t post a clickable link to your content on each picture, but let people know that the link is in your bio. They can click over from there.
17. If it makes sense, post your article onto Do a search for whatever your topic is, then see if someone asked a question about it.
For example, I recently wrote a blog post called 19 ways to monetize your podcast. I did a search on Quora for “monetize podcast” and found this post where someone asked, “What is the best way to monetize a podcast? Who would you approach, are there specialized agencies that handle advertising and sponsorship?
I answered his specific question about sponsoring, then linked to my blog post for more monetization details.
18. Turn the content into a PDF and submit it to PDF-sharing sites like ScribdIssuu, or evenGoogle Docs.
19. Take some of your most recent posts into training for a webinar. You can stay at the end of the webinar, do Q+A, and then get even more ideas for future blog posts or to update your existing ones.
20. Create a free course that teaches your content on Udemy.
21. Create a checklist out of your content.
22. Post your article onto Medium.
23. Slightly edit your content for a different audience. For example, I have a post on how toraise your prices without losing clients. If I wanted, I could edit the post, have all of the language talk about salon clientele, and then submit my post to hairdresser communities.
For my post on top 7 things to do when you can’t get motivated, I could segment it to a certain profession (“are you sick of going to the salon over and over again!?”), people with a health problem (“is your energy down again?”), brides (“are you stressed out of your mind with everyone trying to give you their opinion on how to do things!?”), and on and on.
24. Turn what you’ve created into a mindmap. This is another way to visually share what you’ve taught.
25. Post your content onto syndication sites like BizSugar or GrowthHackers.
26. Reach out to other blog owners and offer to write a guest blog post for them. Take main points from what you already created and rewrite them to create fresh, new content for their blogs.
27. Send a press release. If you can find a press release worthy angle for your content – maybe there’s been some kind of a new development, a local news angle, a new product you mention, etc… you can turn that into a press release and get the SEO (and traffic) benefits from it.
MAKE IT EVEN EASIER: If you wanted, you could even outsource a lot of this work. Every single time I release a podcast or write a new article, I have my assistant take care of a lot of these things for me. It’s very do-able.
If you’d like to learn more about outsourcing, check out my Work Less To Live More course. You can get it at a discount right here.
I hope you enjoyed this post! And if you have any more ideas on how to repurpose your content, leave a comment!

Miyerkules, Pebrero 25, 2015

3 Ways I Earn $1k/Month In Passive Income

3 Ways I Earn $1k/Month In Passive Income Podcast Overview: By popular request, this episode goes over 3 different passive income streams that I have, each consistently earning me $1k/month or more. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Lunes, Pebrero 23, 2015

How To Feel Connected To People

Podcast Overview:

http://www.PodcastProdigy.comIt seems easier than ever to feel disconnected and lonely.Most of us are in front of computers more than we’re in front of people. That’s hard. And when you consider there’s a direct correlation between social media consumption and depression, it makes it even harder.In order to feel connected, it takes some conscious work – and that’s what we cover in today’s show.In this episode, I share some ways you can feel connected in a particularly rough moment and how you can also (mostly) avoid it being a problem for the future.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Podcast Prodigy – If you’d like your own podcast, this course will show you how to do it.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here. That all helps a lot in having more people learn about this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

How To Feel Connected To People

How To Feel Connected To People

How To Feel Connected To People Podcast Overview: It seems easier than ever to feel disconnected and lonely. Most of us are in front of computers more than we’re in front of people. That’s hard. And when you consider there’s a direct correlation between social media consumption and depression, it makes it even harder. In order to feel connected, it takes some conscious work – and that’s what we cover in today’s show. In this episode, I share some ways you can feel connected in a particularly rough moment and how you can also (mostly) avoid it being a problem for the future. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Miyerkules, Pebrero 18, 2015

Marketing to Millennials – with Ryan Jenkins

Podcast Overview:

By 2015, millenials – those born in the 80’s and 90’s – will be responsible for more buying decisions than any other group out there.In this episode, Ryan Jenkins and I talked about why millenials are so different from any other generation, what’s important to them, and how to market to them.I thought this was a fascinating look into the worldview of millenials and learned a lot, even as a millenial myself.

Ryan’s Bio

Ryan Jenkins is an internationally recognized Millennial keynote speaker and author. He helps organizations and leaders gain clarity around the Millennial generation so that they can effectively lead, communicate, and brand in tomorrow’s multi-generational marketplace.Ryan runs a blog and podcast at where he inspires audiences with practical next generation leadership, communication, branding, and productivity advice.Ryan has been featured in Forbes, Fast Company, Mashable, and Yahoo!. He has shared the stage with fellow thought leaders from iconic brands like MTV, Facebook, and Uber.When Ryan is not speaking and writing, you can find him sampling craft beers from around the U.S. or religiously cheering on the Denver Broncos with his wife and yellow labrador from their home in Atlanta, GA.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode: – Ryan’s website3Millenial targeted Super Bowl Ads that hit and missed the mark – Ryan’s postSnapchat – The site that Ryan uses and mentioned has great marketing opportunity.Zendesk recruiting video – This link takes you to the origin post and links you to the videoInterview with Pat Flynn and Ryan Moran – Ryan makes a lot of money by selling physical goods on Amazon.Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google)’s quote – “Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003?, according to Schmidt. That’s something like five exabytes of data, he says.Ryan’s Twitter – Where we met.

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

25 ways to get more podcast reviews

Martes, Pebrero 17, 2015

Marketing to Millennials – with Ryan Jenkins

Marketing to Millennials – with Ryan Jenkins

Marketing to Millennials – with Ryan Jenkins By 2015, millenials – those born in the 80’s and 90’s – will be responsible for more buying decisions than any other group out there. In this episode, Ryan Jenkins and I talked about why millenials are so different from any other generation, what’s important to them, and how to market to them. I thought this was a fascinating look into the worldview of millenials and learned a lot, even as a millenial myself. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Lunes, Pebrero 16, 2015

25 ways to get more podcast reviews

Podcast reviews are a great thing to have. The more reviews you have for your show, the more people poking around on iTunes or Stitcher will trust that listening to your podcast is worth their time.
This is something I’ve worked on quite a bit for my podcast, and I’m glad to say the show has gotten 196 reviews in less than 6 months:
25 ways to get podcast reviews | Follow @rachelrofe for more :)I cover this in full detail in PodcastProdigy. But for now, here are 25 ways you can get more reviews:
1. Ask friends and family.
This is a simple one, but it works.
Ask your friends, family, and co-workers to listen to your podcast and then leave a review.
This alone helped me get about 10 podcast reviews on the day my podcast launched.
2. Ask at the end of each of your posts.
At the end of each of your blog posts or EasyAudello pages, ask people to go through and leave you a review.
Here’s what I say on my pages:
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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.
I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.
That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!
3. Post links on social media sites
Post links to your podcast on all of your social media accounts: Facebook, Twiter, Reddit, Digg, etc, and encourage your followers to download and review your podcast.
4. Run a contest.
Give away a prize for the first 5 people who leave a review on your podcast.
Having a contest for a small amount of people will incentivize people to move quickly.
How to get podcast reviews | Follow @rachelrofe for more :)5. Ask loyal listeners directly.
People are going to tell you that they love your podcast. When they do, say “Thanks! I would really appreciate if you left a review.”
I have gotten many reviews this way.
John Lee Dumas is pretty extraordinary at this. Check out his Twitter feed for an example of how to do this well.
6. Include it in your autoresponder series.
When people sign up for your list, have a series of follow up messages.
In those follow up messages, mention specific podcast episodes that would benefit them, especially given what they signed up for.
In those emails, ask for a podcast review for when they’re done listening.
7. Look for people who are already leaving reviews on similar podcasts and write to them.
Do a search for “your niche + podcast review” and reach out to people who are already reviewing similar podcasts. Tell them you’d love their opinion about your podcast.
There are all kinds of people who post about their favorite podcasts.
As an example, I just did a search on “knitting podcast review” and found this post about someone’s top 5 knitting podcasts, this one about knitting podcasts someone listens to most often, and this one about some popular knitting podcasts.
You can reach out to the people who write these posts and ask for their feedback.
8. Create a vanity URL.
Buy an easy-to-remember domain and redirect it to your iTunes review page so people can remember to click through and leave a review.
For example, I own the domain It’s a redirect link to my affiliate link of an excellent personal assistant service. People remember that name and sign up under my link.
You can buy something like,, etc, so people can easily remember.
9. Give away a bonus when people leave a review.
At the time of this writing, this is permissible within iTunes, but I always recommend double checking.
If you can include an incentive for people to leave you an honest review, it makes them much more likely to actually do it.
10. Build a community for your podcast and ask inside of it.
Create a Facebook group, Twitter hashtag, or some kind of forum where people can get together to talk about your podcast.
In that group, where you have raving fans, ask people to leave you a review.
How to get podcast reviews | Follow @rachelrofe for more11. Leave reviews for other podcasters.
I often get emails from people saying that they have left me a rating and review and would appreciate reciprocation if I like their podcast.
If I have the time to check out the podcast and actually do like their show, I will review them back.
12. Tell people you have a goal.
Let your audience know that you have a goal to get ‘x’ reviews by ‘x’ time. Make people a part of the journey to hit a target by a specific time. (Disclosure: I got this idea from Jason Van Orden on this post.)
13. Ask guests who have been on your show.
Asking guests who have already been on your show to leave a review is an easy way to get reviews.
After all, it’s better for THEM if your show gets more reviews.
More reviews = more potential listeners = more exposure for them.
14. Ask for a review on your show.
Inside your show, mention how reviews help you out a lot and you’d really appreciate if people could leave one.
15. Go on the podcasting subreddit.
There’s an entire section for podcasting on Reddit and it mentions specifically that you can ask for reviews there.
16. Read your favorite podcast reviews of the week.
At the beginning of each of your episodes, read your favorite reviews that were left in the last week. People love to hear their names called.
You can even give some kind of a prize for the review of the week (or month) to give it an extra push.
17. Set up a Google alert.
Set up a Google alert to see if people are reviewing podcasts in your niche. If they are, you can reach out to them and see if they’d be interested in reviewing yours, too.
To set this up, just go to and type in whichever keywords you would like to receive notifications about, for example, “podcast review + your podcast niche.”
18. Make asking for reviews a social media routine.
Make sure to consistently ask for podcast reviews. Don’t ask once and then assume you shouldn’t do it again. By asking multiple times, you keep it at top of mind for people and keep reaching people who may not have seen you ask before.
You don’t want to be obnoxious about this, obviously, but why not ask once a week or so?
19. Do a search on Amazon.
Go onto the Top Reviewers section on Amazon (link here) and see if there are people who have reviewed books in your niche. Reach out and see if they’d be interested in also reviewing your podcast, potentially for some kind of incentive.
20. Put a link in your email signature.
In your email signature, let people know that one way to make you extremely happy is to leave you a podcast review.
21. Have a banner on your blog.
On your blog, have a box that says, “Click here to leave a review for “x” podcast!” so people can click right through.
22. Ask for reviews as a birthday present.
When it’s your birthday (or anniversary, or some other event), announce on social media (where people probably wouldn’t get you “real” presents anyway) that the present that you would appreciate the most would be a review.
23. Shout out to people on your podcast.
In your podcast, mention specific people – it could be action takers of your content, people you respect, or industry leaders.
When the podcast airs, let them know you’ve given them a shout out. If they like it, ask for a review. Just like with asking guests for reviews, more reviews = more potential listeners = more exposure for them.
24. Message people on LinkedIn.
In Podcast Prodigy, I interviewed Michelle Evans. She told me that the way she got into New & Noteworthy was by asking people on LinkedIn to rate and review her podcast. It worked for her.
25. Go on forums in your niche and ask people there.
If there are already people passionate enough about your niche to sign up for forums about it, they’d likely love to be given the chance to give an honest review on something they enjoy talking about.
I hope this helps give you some ideas!
And if you’d like to learn more about podcasting, check out

Linggo, Pebrero 15, 2015

A case for scheduling 3 5 things per day

A case for scheduling 3 5 things per day

A case for scheduling 3-5 things per day So many of us are stressed out of our mind, swimming in never-ending lists of things to do. What if there was a way to STOP being so overwhelmed, put LESS on your plate, and actually end up being MORE productive? There is – and I cover it in this episode. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Huwebes, Pebrero 12, 2015

Keep your thoughts healthy – with Eric Zimmer

Keep your thoughts healthy – with Eric Zimmer

Keep your thoughts healthy – with Eric Zimmer It’s really easy to get stuck into a pattern of circling around the same negative thoughts over and over. It’s also really easy to shut down any of your negative thoughts and say, “Everything’s great!” In this episode, among other things, Eric and I cover how to keep your thoughts as healthy as possible without going to either extreme. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Martes, Pebrero 10, 2015

How to be charismatic – with Jordan Harbinger

How to be charismatic – with Jordan Harbinger

How to be charismatic – with Jordan Harbinger In this episode, Jordan Harbinger shares how you can be more charismatic. He goes over how you can make a great first impression, how to “network” better – even if you hate it, and how to not care so much about what people think. Towards the end of the show, he gives his best personal success technique. This show packs a lot of great info. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Miyerkules, Pebrero 4, 2015

Celebrating women’s sexual pleasure – with Kit Murray Maloney

Celebrating women’s sexual pleasure – with Kit Murray Maloney Kit Murray Maloney is on a mission to celebrate and spread women’s sexual pleasure. In this episode, we talk about how she began her not-so-easy mission, the benefits of women concentrating on their sexual pleasure, her “Pleasure Pledge”, and how she creates a phenomenal network of people around her. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here: