Linggo, Marso 29, 2015

From homeless to greatness: habits for a thriving business and life – with Kathleen Gage

From homeless to greatness: habits for a thriving business and life – with Kathleen Gage

From homeless to greatness: habits for a thriving business and life – with Kathleen Gage In today’s episode, Kathleen Gage shares how she can make huge amounts of money and actively make the world a better place at the same time. We go over: – The habits Kathleen implements to create masterminds that bring in $100k and $200k (and they’re only one part of her business) – How to maintain your momentum even when your energy is zapped – The importance of being grateful and living in the present moment – Kathleen’s top strategy for succeeding at your goals (discover the one question you need to ask) – The difference between “study time” and “monetize time” – How to choose the best goals to pursue and structure your day so you are focused on the right things …and a bit more about Kathleen’s typical work day and how she spends her time to maximize her revenue intake. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Huwebes, Marso 26, 2015

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas Podcast Overview: Sponsored by One of the most helpful things you can do to grow your business is to regularly share free content. There are all kinds of side benefits to this: you get more followers, better search engine results, and most importantly – more people who trust you. All of this ends up leading into paying customers. The problem for many business owners, though, is that it feels hard to come up with consistent ideas of things to write or podcast about. In today’s episode, I share several ways you can come up with new content on a regular basis. Use these to create your own podcast or regularly updated blog. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas

Podcast Overview:

Sponsored by
One of the most helpful things you can do to grow your business is to regularly share free content.There are all kinds of side benefits to this: you get more followers, better search engine results, and most importantly – more people who trust you.All of this ends up leading into paying customers.The problem for many business owners, though, is that it feels hard to come up with consistent ideas of things to write or podcast about.In today’s episode, I share several ways you can come up with new content on a regular basis. Use these to create your own podcast or regularly updated blog.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Podcast Prodigy – If you’d like your own podcast, this course will show you how to do it.PinSearch – Use this to find Pinterest pins that get shared a lot.Erin Pavlina’s interview guidelines – Erin is the woman who came up with the “interview me” idea.7 effortless ways to find new ideas for your blog – This is where I got the #tweetchat and Topsy idea.Quora – Search here to see if people have questions around your niche.Topsy – This site will share popular posts related to the niche you’re in.Google Keyword Tool – You can use this to find keywords that are similar to what you’ve already thought of.

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Lunes, Marso 23, 2015

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn

Podcast Overview:

Sponsored by: http://www.PodcastProdigy.comIn my interview with Charlie Hoehn, Charlie and I discuss how to successfully launch your book or product.Here are some of the topics we go over:– The #1 thing you need to include in a product launch
– The lowdown on the data testing process
– How to use Reddit’s forums to get emotional feedback and improve your books’ impact
– Useful tips for developing the right mindset to handle criticism
– How to create book titles that make people eager to buy
…and a bit more about building strategic relationships and how to effectively leverage them to sell more books.As always, please me know your thoughts about this episode by pinging me or

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

4-Hour Body – the New York Times bestselling book by Tim FerrissPlay It Away: A Workaholic’s Cure for Anxiety – book by CharlieRecession Proof Graduate – book by CharlieFood Babe – writer with a massive audienceHow I Cured My Anxiety – blog post from Charlie that struck an emotional chordAct Like a Lady, Think Like a Man – example of a book with a polarizing titleMen are from Mars, Women are from Venus – another example of a book with a polarizing title4-Hour Work Week – example of a brilliantly titled bookI Hope They Serve Beer In Hell – example of a divisive book titleFifty Shades of Grey – book that channels an existing demand for a topic based on other successful booksHarry Potter – example of a hugely popular book seriesTwilight – another example of a hugely popular book seriesUltimate Webinar Marketing Guide – book by Lewis HowesJason SurfrApp – he has a podcast on Lewis Howes’ website about making money on the side

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn

Linggo, Marso 22, 2015

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn Podcast Overview: Sponsored by: In my interview with Charlie Hoehn, Charlie and I discuss how to successfully launch your book or product. Here are some of the topics we go over: – The #1 thing you need to include in a product launch – The lowdown on the data testing process – How to use Reddit’s forums to get emotional feedback and improve your books’ impact – Useful tips for developing the right mindset to handle criticism – How to create book titles that make people eager to buy …and a bit more about building strategic relationships and how to effectively leverage them to sell more books. As always, please me know your thoughts about this episode by pinging me on or :) Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Huwebes, Marso 19, 2015

Break bad habits and bring in good ones – with Steve Scott (part 1)

Podcast Overview:

Sponsored by http://www.PodcastProdigy.comIn Part 1 of this interview, I talk with Steve Scott about why people often have problems getting rid of bad habits, and how to get through them.Steve shares:– Why we have less willpower at night
– How “if-then” plans can change everything
– How to create great replacement habits that feel good
…and a bit more.
This episode is Part 1 with Steve. In Part 2, we talk all about how he makes 5-figures a month by writing Kindle books. Stay tuned!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Habit Stacking – One of Steve’s bestselling booksThe Miracle Morning – A book that Steve referenced as being great for setting morning routinesPodcast with Hal Elrod – This is a podcast episode I created with the author of The Miracle MorningMy interview with Hal – This was the interview from when I was on Hal’s showWillpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength – The book that Steve said explains willpower very well.Bad Habits No More – Another book of Steve’s that I drew a lot of questions from.The Power Of Habit – The book where Steve learned about habit loops.FitBit – What I am absolutely, positively obsessed with. Steve and I were talking about our stats on there. This link is to the FitBit I have (and highly recommend!).4 Hour Workweek – Where we learned about coming up with the “worst case” scenario and realizing it’s not that badLevel Up Your Day – Another book of Steve’s that talks about leveling up your energy and eating, exercise, routine activities, productivity, and fun.“Productivity” Tricks for the Neurotic, Manic-Depressive, and Crazy (Like Me) – The post of Tim Ferriss’ that Steve and I talked about where Tim shares about his depression.

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

Miyerkules, Marso 18, 2015

Break bad habits and bring in good ones – with Steve Scott (part 1)

Break bad habits and bring in good ones – with Steve Scott (part 1) Podcast Overview: Sponsored by In Part 1 of this interview, I talk with Steve Scott about why people often have problems getting rid of bad habits, and how to get through them. Steve shares: – Why we have less willpower at night – How “if-then” plans can change everything – How to create great replacement habits that feel good …and a bit more. This episode is Part 1 with Steve. In Part 2, we talk all about how he makes 5-figures a month by writing Kindle books. Stay tuned! Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Martes, Marso 10, 2015

What would you do if you lost your #1 traffic source?

About 6 months ago, I got an extremely distressing email.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Don and I were at the Wichita airport. We were moving to Vegas that night. We’d just picked up our flight tickets and were walking over to security when Don checked his email on his cell phone.
“I just got a cease and desist from Facebook!”
I felt a mixture of shock and disbelief. Before I could even finish processing, he said, “You got one too!”
With weak knees, we both sat down at the nearest table to read everything more clearly.
The email said that our accounts were banned. We could no longer use the site, we couldn’t have anybody representing us on the site, we were done.
Neither of us could believe it. We were freaking out (to say the least).
The next day we were at the Wynn. We were staying there for a few days before we could move into our new home. At around 10am, we walked into the bar/cafe. Don ordered an espresso. I, to the shock of Don, ordered a shot of vodka. Then I emotionally ate the heck out of 2 bowls of bar snacks. I just kept eating and eating and eating.
This changed EVERYTHING.
Don was set to relaunch a product that made him 7 figures the last time.  This cease and desist was a million dollar loss – MINIMUM – for him. He had to cancel the launch.
I had my first event lined up for 2 months later. I had all kinds of sponsors lined up – Kind bars, Runa tea, and 9 other companies. I’d already invested 5 figures into it, a ton of energy, and every ounce of my heart and soul.
My plan was to use Facebook Ads to promote my event. I do have a mailing list, but it’s not segmented out by location. I needed NYC-specific people since it was a one day affair that I didn’t expect people to fly in for.
My mind couldn’t register the idea of having to cancel my event. I figured I’d just work hard and bring in tickets another way.
And so I hustled. Hard. I threw money into paid traffic on AdWords, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Plenty Of Fish. I advertised in NYC newspapers. I emailed every relevant NYC-based meetup group owner I could find. I contacted business owners. I did everything I could think of.
But I still didn’t send enough traffic to the page.
2 weeks before the event was set to go live, I had to cancel it. It was devastating – but I didn’t want to waste the speakers’ and sponsors’ time.
Now, I should say – the short version of the cease and desist is that Facebook thought Don and I owned a tool that we didn’t. They didn’t do anything wrong – they were taking care of their users. The tool was something that had become against Facebook’s terms of service. We’d promoted it over a year ago, before people started doing creepy things with similar tools. We had proof to back up everything we were saying, but it was a long process, and it took us over 5 grueling months to get our accounts back.
I learned so much during this intense process – both personally and professionally. One of the biggest business insights, though, was this:
It is ESSENTIAL to diversify your traffic.
What happened to me can happen to anyone.
The tool that we got banned for was something we hadn’t even thought about in over a year. I’m not saying Facebook did anything wrong – I know they were trying to protect their users – I’m just saying that if something off the wall could happen to me, it could happen to anyone.
And this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Many people have heard of the “AdWords slap”, people who got banned from Kindle, etc… this kind of thing happens all the time.
In the last 6 months, I’ve worked hard to learn how to use new traffic sources. I tested a TON, bought lots of courses, and invested a lot of money to learn all kinds of new things.
Thankfully, it’s been working.
On September 4th, the day I got banned, I had 19,142 followers across all of my social networks. 6 months later, I have 57,329 (including Facebook – and 44,161 without). That’s an increase of +38,187 followers in 6 months.
I launched my podcast on August 11th. Even though I was banned shortly after launching, I’ve still enjoyed over 133,129 podcast downloads.
I went back into the lab with Kindle. I had one book that had 6,364 downloads in 5 days – which converted into thousands of opt-ins.
I have done SO MUCH to get more traffic.
Losing Facebook really sucked. It was devastating on so many levels, and I am *SO* glad to have my account back.
If I’m looking at it from a “what did I learn?” perspective, I’d say I’m SO glad that it helped me learn to have sustainable traffic from a variety of sources.
I learned to NOT rely on one traffic source alone.
The following screenshot is from my Google Analytics account for this blog,
You can actually see the steady incline of traffic I’ve been experiencing, especially around December and January. This is the result of a ton hard work in testing, experimenting and refining new traffic methods:
Google Analytics Traffic - I get a lot more traffic nowadays.Phew.
They say that sometimes you have to learn things the hard way. That was definitely true in this case.

I’m curious, for YOU – what would YOU do if you lost your #1 traffic source?