Huwebes, Marso 19, 2015

Break bad habits and bring in good ones – with Steve Scott (part 1)

Podcast Overview:

Sponsored by http://www.PodcastProdigy.comIn Part 1 of this interview, I talk with Steve Scott about why people often have problems getting rid of bad habits, and how to get through them.Steve shares:– Why we have less willpower at night
– How “if-then” plans can change everything
– How to create great replacement habits that feel good
…and a bit more.
This episode is Part 1 with Steve. In Part 2, we talk all about how he makes 5-figures a month by writing Kindle books. Stay tuned!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Habit Stacking – One of Steve’s bestselling booksThe Miracle Morning – A book that Steve referenced as being great for setting morning routinesPodcast with Hal Elrod – This is a podcast episode I created with the author of The Miracle MorningMy interview with Hal – This was the interview from when I was on Hal’s showWillpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength – The book that Steve said explains willpower very well.Bad Habits No More – Another book of Steve’s that I drew a lot of questions from.The Power Of Habit – The book where Steve learned about habit loops.FitBit – What I am absolutely, positively obsessed with. Steve and I were talking about our stats on there. This link is to the FitBit I have (and highly recommend!).4 Hour Workweek – Where we learned about coming up with the “worst case” scenario and realizing it’s not that badLevel Up Your Day – Another book of Steve’s that talks about leveling up your energy and eating, exercise, routine activities, productivity, and fun.“Productivity” Tricks for the Neurotic, Manic-Depressive, and Crazy (Like Me) – The post of Tim Ferriss’ that Steve and I talked about where Tim shares about his depression.

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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