Biyernes, Agosto 28, 2015

How to create a GREAT book outline within 20 minutes

After you find a niche to write a book about, the next step is to figure out how to make money from it.
You begin doing that by creating an outline.
Outlines are important. When you have a good one, you can ensure your book will have quality content.
That will help you get better reviews, more sales, more of a list to build, and ultimately… more money.
And if you do an outline MY way, you can be 100% sure that your book is structured better than anyone else’s out there.
Not only that, but your outline will be done within 20 minutes – tops.
Here’s the “Rachel Rofé Outline” in 7 steps ;):
1. Go onto and do a search for whatever your niche is, or the niche KDSuitefound for you.
2. Open the first 10 books, then sort them out by their bestseller ranking.
The bestseller ranking is on every single book page. #1 = the bestselling book on Amazon, and then it goes all the way down into the millions.
It looks like this:
bestsellerrank3. Next, click on the “Look Inside” on each book:
The "look inside" for books will give you a ton of great information.
4. Write out the Table Of Contents for the book that’s selling the best. You’re not going to copy this verbatim. It’s just a starting point outline which we’ll modify.
5. Go through the other books Table Of Contents, and then mark a star next to everything you see coming up over and over again.
If you see anything else that looks good in other peoples’ outlines, add that to your running outline.
(This isn’t going to look pretty or even make sense… you’re still in research mode.)
6. Go through the reviews for each of those 10 books. Click on the 1 star reviews, and the 5 star reviews that were rated as the most helpful.
Write down anything that people either really liked, really didn’t, or wanted to see more of onto your running outline.
7. Now you should have a huge list of the best pieces of peoples’ outlines, plus what reviewers are eager to see.
At this point, you’re ready to make an outline.
Take all of the things that you put a star next to, plus the reviewers’ comments, plus any ideas YOU have, and create a cohesive outline that makes sense to the reader.
That’s how easy it is.
You leveraged the other authors’ research, plus what actual book buyers WANT, and made one EPIC outline. :)
Writing a book outline? This is a very simple way to create an AWESOME book structure.

Sabado, Agosto 22, 2015

How to become a very high performer – with Tony Stubblebine (Part 1)

How to become a very high performer – with Tony Stubblebine (Part 1)

This episode was sponsored by my new favorite tool, “Video Skins”, at

Tony Stubblebine is a very impressive guy.1 His company, (formerly Lift) has been backed by Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, both co-founders of Twitter, and has hundreds of thousands of members.

We had such a great conversation that covered so much ground that I ended up breaking our talk up into 2 parts.

In Part 1 we go over:

– What the #1 biggest factor is when trying to reach goals

– What Tony says is the key to stress management

– How “priority framing” helps you get a lot more done every day

– The importance of meditation as a performance practice (not necessarily for spirituality, but for business)

– How to cope with a lack of motivation

…and a bit more about how Tony’s been able to grow his business into the successful company it is today.

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Biyernes, Agosto 21, 2015

Episode #100! I’m getting interviewed this time!

Episode #100! I’m getting interviewed this time!

This episode was sponsored by my new favorite tool, “Video Skins”, at

Today marks the 100th episode of A Better Life Podcast. And to switch it up, I’ve invited one of my favorite people on the planet, Kit Murray Maloney of O’Actually, to interview me!

Kit did a great job and asked me some awesome questions. Some of the things we cover are:

– The intention behind A Better Life podcast and why it means so much to me

– How you can choose to find breakthroughs even when you feel powerless

– The importance of establishing boundaries when it comes to your time and generosity

– My two-step process for moving away from misery towards courage

– Why you don’t need to ‘save’ people in your life (and why it’s delusional to think you can)

…and a bit more about the power of asking for exactly what you need in the moment, no matter how indulgent it may seem.

This was a fun episode to record, and I’m so grateful for your listening and being a part of A Better Life.

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Biyernes, Hunyo 26, 2015

Marketing to Millennials – with Ryan Jenkins

Marketing to Millennials – with Ryan Jenkins

By 2015, millenials – those born in the 80’s and 90’s – will be responsible for more buying decisions than any other group out there.

In this episode, Ryan Jenkins and I talked about why millenials are so different from any other generation, what’s important to them, and how to market to them.

I thought this was a fascinating look into the worldview of millenials and learned a lot, even as a millenial myself.

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We can connect in any of these places:

A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from:

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Huwebes, Hunyo 25, 2015

A case for scheduling 3 5 things per day

A case for scheduling 3-5 things per day

So many of us are stressed out of our mind, swimming in never-ending lists of things to do.

What if there was a way to STOP being so overwhelmed, put LESS on your plate, and actually end up being MORE productive?

There is – and I cover it in this episode.

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A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from:

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Miyerkules, Hunyo 24, 2015

Keep your thoughts healthy – with Eric Zimmer

Keep your thoughts healthy – with Eric Zimmer

It’s really easy to get stuck into a pattern of circling around the same negative thoughts over and over.

It’s also really easy to shut down any of your negative thoughts and say, “Everything’s great!”

In this episode, among other things, Eric and I cover how to keep your thoughts as healthy as possible without going to either extreme.

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Martes, Hunyo 23, 2015

How to be charismatic – with Jordan Harbinger

How to be charismatic – with Jordan Harbinger

In this episode, Jordan Harbinger shares how you can be more charismatic. He goes over how you can make a great first impression, how to “network” better – even if you hate it, and how to not care so much about what people think.

Towards the end of the show, he gives his best personal success technique.

This show packs a lot of great info.

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A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from:

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Linggo, Hunyo 21, 2015

Celebrating women’s sexual pleasure – with Kit Murray Maloney

Celebrating women’s sexual pleasure – with Kit Murray Maloney

Kit Murray Maloney is on a mission to celebrate and spread women’s sexual pleasure.

In this episode, we talk about how she began her not-so-easy mission, the benefits of women concentrating on their sexual pleasure, her “Pleasure Pledge”, and how she creates a phenomenal network of people around her.

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Sabado, Hunyo 20, 2015

101 Things You Can Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

101 Things You Can Outsource To A Virtual Assistant

In this episode, I go over 101 tasks that I’ve personally delegated to

This is meant to help you see what YOU can be delegating in your life.

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Biyernes, Hunyo 19, 2015

From ex con to excellence: An interview with Clint Warren

From ex-con to excellence: An interview with Clint Warren

In this episode, Clint shares how we went from life as a heroin addict and prisoner to creating a thriving, successful life and business that he’s proud of.

He talks about how he used his time in prison to completely revamp his life – including his daily rituals, small changes that made a huge difference, and his personal success strategies.

This was a great interview with a lot of take-aways.

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From addicted to meth, 400+ pounds and depressed to choosing a new life

From addicted to meth, 400+ pounds and depressed to choosing a new life: Scott Tibbet’s journey

In this episode, Scott talks to us about how he became sober, lost 140 pounds (and counting), and what he does to keep his depression in check.

If there’s anything in your life that you’d like to change, you’ll definitely want to hear Scott’s powerful midnset techniques.

He has made lasting changes in his life without ever going to counseling or formal rehabilitation and tells us exactly how.

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Miyerkules, Hunyo 17, 2015

How To Feel Wildly Alive

How to feel wildly alive – with Nichole Kellerman Wurth

In this episode, Nichole Kellerman Wurth gives away some of her best tips on how you can feel alive.

Although she is normally a weight loss teacher, we covered all kinds of accessible-to-anyone tips (and actually didn’t talk about weight loss much at all).

We talked about how to tune in to what you really want, how to shut down your inner “mean” voice, and how you can focus in on your desires and actually make them happen – even if they seem very farfetched right now.

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Martes, Hunyo 16, 2015

How To Radically Change Your Life

How to radically change your life – with Derek Rydall

Derek Rydall believes you can have anything you want. What’s more, he thinks you can have it WITHOUT using self improvement or law of attraction (both of which he doesn’t believe in).

In this episode, Derek goes over his framework for creating anything you want, including the exact process of how he moved from his small apartment into his dream home in less than 90 days.

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Lunes, Hunyo 15, 2015

How to feel comfortable in your body

How to feel comfortable in your body – with Crystal Cave

Crystal Cave is a stylist who specializes in “not so skinny style”. Whether or not you identify as “not so skinny”, most of us have some kind of body hangups, and this show helps with that.

We cover how to love your body for whatever it looks like right now, how to handle other peoples’ judgments, and style tips for both men and women. It’s a fun episode!

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Huwebes, Mayo 14, 2015

Start a great conversation and become good at small talk – with Paul Sanders (part 1)

Start a great conversation and become good at small talk – with Paul Sanders (part 1)

Start a great conversation and become good at small talk – with Paul Sanders (part 1)

Welcome to part 1 of my conversation with Paul Sanders, which is all about how to start conversations, maintain them, and how to scale them into meaningful friendships.

We go over:

– The simplest way to start a conversation with a stranger no matter your situation or location

– How to take the theme of a networking event and turn it into a foolproof, easy ice breaker

– What to do to move forward from the initial meet-and-greet to discover common ground and build a friendship

– How to effectively manage your expectations at networking events and project a vibe of authenticity

– Paul’s expert trick for getting people to feel an instant connection to you

– Why you don’t need to be impressive or cool to have a great conversation (overcome the emotional hurdles that are holding you back!)

– How to use the 5% exercise to expand your comfort zone and make more connections

…plus an impromptu conversation between Paul and me showing you how to find common ground with the people you meet.

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We can connect in any of these places:

A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from:

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Martes, Mayo 5, 2015

You can also get the audio transcript by scrolling down.
Today, I speak with Adria DeCorte, a close friend whose business teachings revolve around making eating healthy doable.In our conversation, we cover:– Why what you eat impacts your body and how it can also affect your business– The types of food to eat to supercharge creativity flow and make you feel more inspired-What you need to fuel your body with to become more grounded, productive, and ready to hustle– The easy tool Adria uses (instead of recipes) to simplify kitchen time and yield a variety of different tasty meal options– How to use food remixes to reboot your leftovers and continuously bring fresh energy to your business…and a bit more about Adria’s top 3 action steps for anyone who wants to integrate a healthier lifestyle into their world without the fuss and inconvenience.As always, please me know what you thought about this episode by pinging me or Sponsored by:

Feed Your Hustle - with Adria Decorte

Lunes, Mayo 4, 2015

Getting over fear of rejection – with Jia Jiang of 100 Days Of Rejection

In today’s show, I talk with Jia Jiang of “100 Days Of Rejection” – an experiment he created where, for 100 days, he aimed to get rejected in all kinds of wacky ways.We cover:– How seeking rejection out can actually desensitize you to pain– The process Jia went through, from scared and humiliated, to confident and holding his ground– The 2 ingredients you need to turn a ‘no’ into a ‘yes’ (Hint: One’s a key word and the other has to do with mindset)– How rejection is less about you and more about the other person; it really isn’t personal!– Why you need to vacate your comfort zone and elevate to the ‘possibility zone’…and a bit more about Jia’s proudest moments, including the time he met Bill Gates.

Getting over fear of rejection with Jia Jiang of 100 Days of Rejection

Lunes, Abril 27, 2015

My path to success – with Rachel Rofe

My path to success – with Rachel Rofe

This episode is a little bit different from what I normally do, but it was requested multiple times. Today, I discuss my path to success and what I am most proud of in my professional life.

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My path to success – with Rachel Rofe

Lunes, Abril 20, 2015

Linggo, Abril 19, 2015

Create business magic with former VP of Walt Disney World, Lee

Create business magic – with former VP of Walt Disney World, Lee Cockerell

Create business magic – with former VP of Walt Disney World, Lee Cockerell

In this episode, I talk with Lee Cockerell, the former Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World who has led teams of more than 40,000 employees and been responsible for 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, and more!

In our discussion, we cover:

– The 2 driving forces that have propelled Lee towards huge success despite not having a college degree

– How to prioritize the areas of your life so you can go from surviving to thriving

– The key to time management: knowing when and how to say ‘no’

– Why, in your business, you need to “put on a show” of professionalism no matter what

– The most important question to ask yourself every day to maintain your focus

– How a little resourcefulness can go a long way in terms of forming a great business without spending a fortune

– Lee’s top tips for the best way to grow your business, including his wife’s advice about mastering the art of pricing

– How to effectively use (and not abuse) social media so your customers are actually excited to see your posts

…and more about creating the illusion of magic – the 3 things Disney focuses on, especially in terms of who the company hires.

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We can connect in any of these places:

A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from:

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Sabado, Abril 18, 2015

Create business magic with former VP of Walt Disney World, Lee

Create business magic – with former VP of Walt Disney World, Lee Cockerell Sponsored by In this episode, I talk with Lee Cockerell, the former Executive Vice President of Operations for Walt Disney World who has led teams of more than 40,000 employees and been responsible for 20 resort hotels, 4 theme parks, 2 water parks, and more! In our discussion, we cover: – The 2 driving forces that have propelled Lee towards huge success despite not having a college degree – How to prioritize the areas of your life so you can go from surviving to thriving – The key to time management: knowing when and how to say ‘no’ – Why, in your business, you need to “put on a show” of professionalism no matter what – The most important question to ask yourself every day to maintain your focus – How a little resourcefulness can go a long way in terms of forming a great business without spending a fortune – Lee’s top tips for the best way to grow your business, including his wife’s advice about mastering the art of pricing – How to effectively use (and not abuse) social media so your customers are actually excited to see your posts …and more about creating the illusion of magic – the 3 things Disney focuses on, especially in terms of who the company hires. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Martes, Abril 14, 2015

5 Things I Track In My Business Every Single Day

5 Things I Track In My Business Every Single Day Sponsored by: In today’s episode, I share 5 things I track in my business every single day. Some of the things I cover: – What you can do to make sure you’re regularly building your list – How much my social media accounts have grown since implementing tracking – The super simple tracking tools and resources you can use to monitor your finances – How to reverse-engineer goals so you’re making the absolute most out of every single day – And why having a daily power hour with an accountability partner can give you crazy amounts of focus Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

5 Things I Track In My Business Every Single Day

5 Things I Track In My Business Every Single Day

5 Things I Track In My Business Every Single Day

In today’s episode, I share 5 things I track in my business every single day.

Some of the things I cover:

– What you can do to make sure you’re regularly building your list

– How much my social media accounts have grown since implementing tracking

– The super simple tracking tools and resources you can use to monitor your finances

– How to reverse-engineer goals so you’re making the absolute most out of every single day

– And why having a daily power hour with an accountability partner can give you crazy amounts of focus

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If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch!

We can connect in any of these places:

A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from:

Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life:

Did you miss our last episode?

Miyerkules, Abril 8, 2015

Make Powerful Business Connections – with Honorée Corder

Make Powerful Business Connections – with Honorée Corder

Make Powerful Business Connections – with Honorée Corder Sponsored by: In today’s conversation, I speak with Honorée Corder about her new book “Business Dating,” which is all about how to create effective relationships in the business world. In the episode, we go over: – How to build mutually beneficial, long-term business relationships – The top three ingredients you need to be a successful business person – Mindset strategies to become more at ease with networking…even if you’re an introvert – What to say instead of “How can I help you?” to entice more clients – How to use the twelve-by-twelve system to keep track of your clients and improve your networking skills – The 5 stages of the “trust bridge,” which will help you build more meaningful relationships so you can get the cash, connections, and contributions you need – Why having clear guidelines and a hard-stop can improve the flow of your meetings …and more juicy tidbits about the importance of authenticity and how “you can’t do the right thing with the wrong person, and you can’t do the wrong thing with the right person.” Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Make Powerful Business Connections – with Honorée Corder

In today’s conversation, I speak with Honorée Corder about her new book “Business Dating,” which is all about how to create effective relationships in the business world.

In the episode, we go over:

– How to build mutually beneficial, long-term business relationships

– The top three ingredients you need to be a successful business person

– Mindset strategies to become more at ease with networking…even if you’re an introvert

– What to say instead of “How can I help you?” to entice more clients

– How to use the twelve-by-twelve system to keep track of your clients and improve your networking skills

– The 5 stages of the “trust bridge,” which will help you build more meaningful relationships so you can get the cash, connections, and contributions you need

– Why having clear guidelines and a hard-stop can improve the flow of your meetings

…and more juicy tidbits about the importance of authenticity and how “you can’t do the right thing with the wrong person, and you can’t do the wrong thing with the right person.”

Want More?

If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch!

We can connect in any of these places:

A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from:

Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life:

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Linggo, Marso 29, 2015

From homeless to greatness: habits for a thriving business and life – with Kathleen Gage

From homeless to greatness: habits for a thriving business and life – with Kathleen Gage

From homeless to greatness: habits for a thriving business and life – with Kathleen Gage In today’s episode, Kathleen Gage shares how she can make huge amounts of money and actively make the world a better place at the same time. We go over: – The habits Kathleen implements to create masterminds that bring in $100k and $200k (and they’re only one part of her business) – How to maintain your momentum even when your energy is zapped – The importance of being grateful and living in the present moment – Kathleen’s top strategy for succeeding at your goals (discover the one question you need to ask) – The difference between “study time” and “monetize time” – How to choose the best goals to pursue and structure your day so you are focused on the right things …and a bit more about Kathleen’s typical work day and how she spends her time to maximize her revenue intake. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Huwebes, Marso 26, 2015

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas Podcast Overview: Sponsored by One of the most helpful things you can do to grow your business is to regularly share free content. There are all kinds of side benefits to this: you get more followers, better search engine results, and most importantly – more people who trust you. All of this ends up leading into paying customers. The problem for many business owners, though, is that it feels hard to come up with consistent ideas of things to write or podcast about. In today’s episode, I share several ways you can come up with new content on a regular basis. Use these to create your own podcast or regularly updated blog. Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

How To Come Up With Endless Content Ideas

Podcast Overview:

Sponsored by
One of the most helpful things you can do to grow your business is to regularly share free content.There are all kinds of side benefits to this: you get more followers, better search engine results, and most importantly – more people who trust you.All of this ends up leading into paying customers.The problem for many business owners, though, is that it feels hard to come up with consistent ideas of things to write or podcast about.In today’s episode, I share several ways you can come up with new content on a regular basis. Use these to create your own podcast or regularly updated blog.

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Podcast Prodigy – If you’d like your own podcast, this course will show you how to do it.PinSearch – Use this to find Pinterest pins that get shared a lot.Erin Pavlina’s interview guidelines – Erin is the woman who came up with the “interview me” idea.7 effortless ways to find new ideas for your blog – This is where I got the #tweetchat and Topsy idea.Quora – Search here to see if people have questions around your niche.Topsy – This site will share popular posts related to the niche you’re in.Google Keyword Tool – You can use this to find keywords that are similar to what you’ve already thought of.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes.Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here. That all helps a lot in having more people learn about this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

Lunes, Marso 23, 2015

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn

Podcast Overview:

Sponsored by: http://www.PodcastProdigy.comIn my interview with Charlie Hoehn, Charlie and I discuss how to successfully launch your book or product.Here are some of the topics we go over:– The #1 thing you need to include in a product launch
– The lowdown on the data testing process
– How to use Reddit’s forums to get emotional feedback and improve your books’ impact
– Useful tips for developing the right mindset to handle criticism
– How to create book titles that make people eager to buy
…and a bit more about building strategic relationships and how to effectively leverage them to sell more books.As always, please me know your thoughts about this episode by pinging me or

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

4-Hour Body – the New York Times bestselling book by Tim FerrissPlay It Away: A Workaholic’s Cure for Anxiety – book by CharlieRecession Proof Graduate – book by CharlieFood Babe – writer with a massive audienceHow I Cured My Anxiety – blog post from Charlie that struck an emotional chordAct Like a Lady, Think Like a Man – example of a book with a polarizing titleMen are from Mars, Women are from Venus – another example of a book with a polarizing title4-Hour Work Week – example of a brilliantly titled bookI Hope They Serve Beer In Hell – example of a divisive book titleFifty Shades of Grey – book that channels an existing demand for a topic based on other successful booksHarry Potter – example of a hugely popular book seriesTwilight – another example of a hugely popular book seriesUltimate Webinar Marketing Guide – book by Lewis HowesJason SurfrApp – he has a podcast on Lewis Howes’ website about making money on the side

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Thank you for listening to this episode! If you enjoyed it, please feel free to share it using the social media buttons on this page.I’d also be VERY grateful if you could rate, review, and subscribe to A Better Life on iTunes. Or, if you use Stitcher, you can leave a review right here.That all helps a lot in ranking this show and would be greatly appreciated. And if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below!

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn

Linggo, Marso 22, 2015

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn

How to successfully launch your book or product – with Charlie Hoehn Podcast Overview: Sponsored by: In my interview with Charlie Hoehn, Charlie and I discuss how to successfully launch your book or product. Here are some of the topics we go over: – The #1 thing you need to include in a product launch – The lowdown on the data testing process – How to use Reddit’s forums to get emotional feedback and improve your books’ impact – Useful tips for developing the right mindset to handle criticism – How to create book titles that make people eager to buy …and a bit more about building strategic relationships and how to effectively leverage them to sell more books. As always, please me know your thoughts about this episode by pinging me on or :) Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Huwebes, Marso 19, 2015

Break bad habits and bring in good ones – with Steve Scott (part 1)

Podcast Overview:

Sponsored by http://www.PodcastProdigy.comIn Part 1 of this interview, I talk with Steve Scott about why people often have problems getting rid of bad habits, and how to get through them.Steve shares:– Why we have less willpower at night
– How “if-then” plans can change everything
– How to create great replacement habits that feel good
…and a bit more.
This episode is Part 1 with Steve. In Part 2, we talk all about how he makes 5-figures a month by writing Kindle books. Stay tuned!

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

Habit Stacking – One of Steve’s bestselling booksThe Miracle Morning – A book that Steve referenced as being great for setting morning routinesPodcast with Hal Elrod – This is a podcast episode I created with the author of The Miracle MorningMy interview with Hal – This was the interview from when I was on Hal’s showWillpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength – The book that Steve said explains willpower very well.Bad Habits No More – Another book of Steve’s that I drew a lot of questions from.The Power Of Habit – The book where Steve learned about habit loops.FitBit – What I am absolutely, positively obsessed with. Steve and I were talking about our stats on there. This link is to the FitBit I have (and highly recommend!).4 Hour Workweek – Where we learned about coming up with the “worst case” scenario and realizing it’s not that badLevel Up Your Day – Another book of Steve’s that talks about leveling up your energy and eating, exercise, routine activities, productivity, and fun.“Productivity” Tricks for the Neurotic, Manic-Depressive, and Crazy (Like Me) – The post of Tim Ferriss’ that Steve and I talked about where Tim shares about his depression.

Episode Transcript

Click here for a transcript of today’s episode.

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Miyerkules, Marso 18, 2015

Break bad habits and bring in good ones – with Steve Scott (part 1)

Break bad habits and bring in good ones – with Steve Scott (part 1) Podcast Overview: Sponsored by In Part 1 of this interview, I talk with Steve Scott about why people often have problems getting rid of bad habits, and how to get through them. Steve shares: – Why we have less willpower at night – How “if-then” plans can change everything – How to create great replacement habits that feel good …and a bit more. This episode is Part 1 with Steve. In Part 2, we talk all about how he makes 5-figures a month by writing Kindle books. Stay tuned! Want More? If you liked this, there’s plenty more where it come from. Let’s stay in touch! We can connect in any of these places: Main website: A Better Life Podcast – where these transcripts are taken from: Rachel's books – Learn new ways to improve your life: Twitter: Twitter: Instagram: Instagram: YouTube: YouTube: Did you miss our last episode? You can get it here:

Martes, Marso 10, 2015

What would you do if you lost your #1 traffic source?

About 6 months ago, I got an extremely distressing email.
I remember it like it was yesterday.
Don and I were at the Wichita airport. We were moving to Vegas that night. We’d just picked up our flight tickets and were walking over to security when Don checked his email on his cell phone.
“I just got a cease and desist from Facebook!”
I felt a mixture of shock and disbelief. Before I could even finish processing, he said, “You got one too!”
With weak knees, we both sat down at the nearest table to read everything more clearly.
The email said that our accounts were banned. We could no longer use the site, we couldn’t have anybody representing us on the site, we were done.
Neither of us could believe it. We were freaking out (to say the least).
The next day we were at the Wynn. We were staying there for a few days before we could move into our new home. At around 10am, we walked into the bar/cafe. Don ordered an espresso. I, to the shock of Don, ordered a shot of vodka. Then I emotionally ate the heck out of 2 bowls of bar snacks. I just kept eating and eating and eating.
This changed EVERYTHING.
Don was set to relaunch a product that made him 7 figures the last time.  This cease and desist was a million dollar loss – MINIMUM – for him. He had to cancel the launch.
I had my first event lined up for 2 months later. I had all kinds of sponsors lined up – Kind bars, Runa tea, and 9 other companies. I’d already invested 5 figures into it, a ton of energy, and every ounce of my heart and soul.
My plan was to use Facebook Ads to promote my event. I do have a mailing list, but it’s not segmented out by location. I needed NYC-specific people since it was a one day affair that I didn’t expect people to fly in for.
My mind couldn’t register the idea of having to cancel my event. I figured I’d just work hard and bring in tickets another way.
And so I hustled. Hard. I threw money into paid traffic on AdWords, LinkedIn, Reddit, and Plenty Of Fish. I advertised in NYC newspapers. I emailed every relevant NYC-based meetup group owner I could find. I contacted business owners. I did everything I could think of.
But I still didn’t send enough traffic to the page.
2 weeks before the event was set to go live, I had to cancel it. It was devastating – but I didn’t want to waste the speakers’ and sponsors’ time.
Now, I should say – the short version of the cease and desist is that Facebook thought Don and I owned a tool that we didn’t. They didn’t do anything wrong – they were taking care of their users. The tool was something that had become against Facebook’s terms of service. We’d promoted it over a year ago, before people started doing creepy things with similar tools. We had proof to back up everything we were saying, but it was a long process, and it took us over 5 grueling months to get our accounts back.
I learned so much during this intense process – both personally and professionally. One of the biggest business insights, though, was this:
It is ESSENTIAL to diversify your traffic.
What happened to me can happen to anyone.
The tool that we got banned for was something we hadn’t even thought about in over a year. I’m not saying Facebook did anything wrong – I know they were trying to protect their users – I’m just saying that if something off the wall could happen to me, it could happen to anyone.
And this isn’t the first time something like this has happened. Many people have heard of the “AdWords slap”, people who got banned from Kindle, etc… this kind of thing happens all the time.
In the last 6 months, I’ve worked hard to learn how to use new traffic sources. I tested a TON, bought lots of courses, and invested a lot of money to learn all kinds of new things.
Thankfully, it’s been working.
On September 4th, the day I got banned, I had 19,142 followers across all of my social networks. 6 months later, I have 57,329 (including Facebook – and 44,161 without). That’s an increase of +38,187 followers in 6 months.
I launched my podcast on August 11th. Even though I was banned shortly after launching, I’ve still enjoyed over 133,129 podcast downloads.
I went back into the lab with Kindle. I had one book that had 6,364 downloads in 5 days – which converted into thousands of opt-ins.
I have done SO MUCH to get more traffic.
Losing Facebook really sucked. It was devastating on so many levels, and I am *SO* glad to have my account back.
If I’m looking at it from a “what did I learn?” perspective, I’d say I’m SO glad that it helped me learn to have sustainable traffic from a variety of sources.
I learned to NOT rely on one traffic source alone.
The following screenshot is from my Google Analytics account for this blog,
You can actually see the steady incline of traffic I’ve been experiencing, especially around December and January. This is the result of a ton hard work in testing, experimenting and refining new traffic methods:
Google Analytics Traffic - I get a lot more traffic nowadays.Phew.
They say that sometimes you have to learn things the hard way. That was definitely true in this case.

I’m curious, for YOU – what would YOU do if you lost your #1 traffic source?

Biyernes, Pebrero 27, 2015

27 Ways To Repurpose Your Podcast Or Blog Post Content

A lot of people think that in order to succeed with your blog or podcast, you need to continually come up with the “latest and greatest” piece of content.
In my experience, not only is this not true – but you can actually get BETTER results by focusing on making the most of what you already have.
And with so many different ways to get exposure, it’s easier than ever to maximize your content. Here are 27 tips that work:
1. If you’re starting with a podcast, get that transcribed and turn it into a blog post or an article. If you’re starting with a blog entry, read it out loud and create a podcast from it.
2. Create slides from your content. You can use something like HaikuDeck (a free tool) and then submit your slides to sites like SlideShare or AuthorStream.
3. Convert your post into a video. You can either have one slide showing while your podcast plays, or sync different slides to your podcast audio.
When you finish your video, submit it to YouTube.
4. Make money with your videos by submitting them to Not only do they accept them, but they actually pay you for video views. They love short videos, too, and call them “skill snacks”.
5. Create infographics from your posts. Infographics are easily shared around on social media and you can get a great one starting at $5 on Fiverr.
6. Add your content into a follow-up email for when people sign up for your list. What better way to welcome someone than by giving them some of your best work?
7. Slightly modify your content and make a list-building giveaway out of it. For example, if you have some posts about podcasting, bundle them together, perhaps add something else, and presto – you’ve got a free gift for people who are interested in podcasting.
8. Turn every post you create into an opportunity for opt-ins. Make a lead box with LeadPageswhere people can sign up to get some kind of an upgrade.
For example, with this post, if you click this link,  you can sign up for a PDF and infographic version of this post. It’s simple, but SO beneficial for people. The PDF keeps this information handy and the infographic shows everything in a visual format.
9. See if you can convert what you already created into new content. For example, maybe you created some kind of list-based content like 10 things you can do to flip negative situations into positives. See if you can take each item on that list and then turn it into an entirely new podcast or blog post.
10. Compile multiple posts and turn them into a Kindle book. One of my last books got downloaded 6,364 times in 5 days. There’s a LOT of traffic to be had on Kindle.
11. Submit your link to Reddit. There are all kinds of subreddits where people would love to see the content you created.
Repurpose content with these blog post ideas. Very helpful! Tip #4 is definitely my favorite.12. Create a tall picture that advertises what your content will be about and post it onto Pinterest.
To optimize it, you can use a plugin like WP Socializer that even lets you do this:
13. Post the content onto your Facebook page, along with a picture preview.
14. Take a few “tweetables” from your content -140 character (or less) bite-sized tips – andpost them onto Twitter, along with a link to your content.
15. Post your content on Google+.
16. Share a picture of your content, along with one of the tips in it, on Instagram.
You can’t post a clickable link to your content on each picture, but let people know that the link is in your bio. They can click over from there.
17. If it makes sense, post your article onto Do a search for whatever your topic is, then see if someone asked a question about it.
For example, I recently wrote a blog post called 19 ways to monetize your podcast. I did a search on Quora for “monetize podcast” and found this post where someone asked, “What is the best way to monetize a podcast? Who would you approach, are there specialized agencies that handle advertising and sponsorship?
I answered his specific question about sponsoring, then linked to my blog post for more monetization details.
18. Turn the content into a PDF and submit it to PDF-sharing sites like ScribdIssuu, or evenGoogle Docs.
19. Take some of your most recent posts into training for a webinar. You can stay at the end of the webinar, do Q+A, and then get even more ideas for future blog posts or to update your existing ones.
20. Create a free course that teaches your content on Udemy.
21. Create a checklist out of your content.
22. Post your article onto Medium.
23. Slightly edit your content for a different audience. For example, I have a post on how toraise your prices without losing clients. If I wanted, I could edit the post, have all of the language talk about salon clientele, and then submit my post to hairdresser communities.
For my post on top 7 things to do when you can’t get motivated, I could segment it to a certain profession (“are you sick of going to the salon over and over again!?”), people with a health problem (“is your energy down again?”), brides (“are you stressed out of your mind with everyone trying to give you their opinion on how to do things!?”), and on and on.
24. Turn what you’ve created into a mindmap. This is another way to visually share what you’ve taught.
25. Post your content onto syndication sites like BizSugar or GrowthHackers.
26. Reach out to other blog owners and offer to write a guest blog post for them. Take main points from what you already created and rewrite them to create fresh, new content for their blogs.
27. Send a press release. If you can find a press release worthy angle for your content – maybe there’s been some kind of a new development, a local news angle, a new product you mention, etc… you can turn that into a press release and get the SEO (and traffic) benefits from it.
MAKE IT EVEN EASIER: If you wanted, you could even outsource a lot of this work. Every single time I release a podcast or write a new article, I have my assistant take care of a lot of these things for me. It’s very do-able.
If you’d like to learn more about outsourcing, check out my Work Less To Live More course. You can get it at a discount right here.
I hope you enjoyed this post! And if you have any more ideas on how to repurpose your content, leave a comment!